Mobile >
1. Verify Identity
Multifactor Verification
Prior to accessing Mobile Check Deposit, you will be asked to verify your identity using multifactor verification
There are two methods of verification, receive a code via SMS or call the Service Desk​​
The code will then be entered on your device to complete the verification
2. Choose Account
Select your Baird accounts to deposit a check into
All owned and open account types are supported with the exception of Beneficiary IRAs.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
To deposit a check into multiple accounts, contact your advisor team

3. Capture Check Image
You will need to allow the Baird Online Mobile App to access the device camera before using Mobile Deposit
Check endorsement are not required for Baird deposits
Deposit Amount Limit:
Single item deposit limit of $250k
Minimum deposit amount of $.01
Auto Image Capture - Simply hold your mobile device camera over the front and back of the check and align the check within the to capture the images
Manual Image Capture - In the event there are issues with auto capture, align the check within the brackets and manually capture the image

4. Review & Approve
Review the destination account and amount
The amount is auto-captured using the image capture feature and automatically populates this field​​​​​​
Adjust the amount if inaccurately auto-captured

5. Notification & Updates
View the check Amount, Account, Date/Time, and Status (Pending, Complete, Error)
An error will display if the deposit was rejected
From the app, deposit history and check images can be viewed:
Account Activity
Deposit History
Email Notifications and My Updates are communicated as the status of the check deposit changes throughout processing

Download the App Now!

Using your mobile device, scan the QR code from your Baird Advisor, or start by navigating to the app store app on your mobile device
Search 'Baird Online'
​​​​Select the download icon
When the download has completed select 'Open'
If you have already registered for Baird Online, select 'Existing User, Sign In Now'
If you have not registered, select 'I have at least one Account with Baird'